

Visitor Information

Visitor Information – updated 21st April, 2023
Visiting Times at the NRH:
Monday to Sunday: Saturday, Sunday and Bank Holidays:
5.45pm to 7.45pm 2.00pm to 4.00pm

Updated Guidance on Mask Usage for Patients and Visitors at the NRH

Based on new national guidelines, please note the following recommendations which will apply from Friday, 21st April, 2023:

Face masks no longer need to be worn by patients and visitors in the NRH.

If a visitor does wish to wear a face mask, they will be available at reception.

– In some circumstances, patients and visitors may be asked to wear a mask by a member of staff based on the decision of the clinical team.

– It is no longer necessary for visitors to complete a COVID self-assessment questionnaire

– The limits on the number of people permitted to visit a patient has been removed, however, the 1M distance still applies. Each Unit will manage the number of people visiting on their own unit at any given time.

– The length of a visit is no longer restricted; Unit staff will manage the length of time people spend visiting as appropriate

– Open visiting will remain in place as shown in the table above: the requirement to book on the visitor booking system for visits outside of these hours no longer applies. Visits outside of these hours should be coordinated by Unit Staff

– The above guidelines will be reviewed after a trial period, after which the NRH COVID-19 Working group will reconvene to assess if any changes need to be made.


Contact numbers for NRH Rehabilitation Units
Rehabilitation Unit Phone Numbers Floor
Ash Unit (01) 235 5841 Floor 1
Daisy Unit (01) 235 5763 Floor -1
Fern Unit (01) 235 5990 Floor 2
Holly Unit (01) 235 5890 Floor 1
Lily Unit (01) 235 5940 Floor 2
Oak Unit (01) 235 5900 Floor 2
Poppy Unit (01) 235 5820 Ground Floor
Pine Unit (01) 235 5700 Floor -1
Rose Unit (01) 235 5870 1st Floor
Willow Unit (01) 235 5800 Ground Floor