

Accessibility Statement

Accessibility Statement

While every effort has been made to make this website as accessible as possible, it is possible there are errors. If you encounter any, please let us know.

Standards Compliance

Every effort has been made to make this site conform to at least level A (WCAG 2.0 Level A ), and in most cases Triple A (WCAG 2.0 Level AAA ) standards set out by the . All pages validate as HTML, and degrade gracefully if Javascript is disabled.


If you are unable to navigate the site using a mouse, using the Tab key will suffice.


Many of the links within this site have title attributes which describes the link in greater detail.

Some links have icons that denote specific functionality. These are:
PDF – This is a link to a PDF
Doc – This is a link to Microsoft Word Document
RSS – This is a link to subscribe to our RSS Feed.


All content images on this site have descriptive ALT attributes.

Is Your Browser Up To Date?

In the interest of having the best web experience possible, we suggest ensuring that your browser is up to date. We recommend using , , , or . These browsers will update themselves so you needn’t worry about having to continuously download upgrades, and there are many plugins and enhancements available for all of them. If you use Microsoft Internet Explorer, you can .

Increasing The Text Size In Your Browser

There is a font resizer tool located in the header of the website, beside the search box. Here, you can increase and decrease the text size of the content on the website, by clicking on the “AAA” options to suit your preference.

Firefox, Chrome, Safari & Internet Explorer 9+

Modern browsers such as Firefox, Chrome, Safari and Internet Explorer 9+ not only increase font size, but actually zoom their display. This makes it much easier for visually impaired users to view text as well as images. To do this, simply press CTRL and + together until the font size reaches a size you are happy with. To decrease the font size, simply press CTRL and – together. If you are using an Apple Mac, please substitute CTRL with CMMD.


Opera offers a similar functionality as above, and this can be achieved by simply pressing + or to increase and decrease respectively.
contrast and greyscale image

Contrast and Grayscale

On the right side of the website, there are two icons, which can be enabled for better readability of the NRH website. The contrast option is the top icon (circle with black/grey halves( and the grayscale option is the bottom icon (black drop).

Still Having Difficulty Seeing Your Screen?

If you are having difficulty seeing your screen in general, you should consider changing your screen resolution settings. Please check your Operating System and click on the relevant link below (link will open in a new tab).

If you are blind, please consider using .

What is RSS?

RSS (Rich Site Summary) is a format used to deliver regularly changing web content. Many sites that feature regularly or constantly changing content, such as news related websites, blogs and other online publications offer an RSS feed to their site’s users.

Why Should You Use RSS?

RSS allows you to easily stay up to date with your favorite websites by retrieving the latest content and sending it straight to you. You’ll save time by not needing to visit each site, checking for updates.

What You’ll Need

You’ll need to download an RSS Feed Reader software, which will allow you to grab the RSS feeds from any sites that you subscribe to.
There are many RSS Feed Readers available for different platforms. The most popular include (Windows, Linux, Mac), (Windows), and (Windows – this one can be quite useful as it integrates with Outlook). If you prefer, there are also web-based feed readers available such as and are the popular web-based RSS Feed Readers.